Minecraft League: The 1st Challenge

Underwater Mine Rescue

Greedy miners were working an underwater mine when the inevitable happened. Reaching for that elusive block of ore, they punched a hole in the roof of a shaft on the top level of the mine and flooded the area. Forced to flee quickly, leaving a lot of their best tools behind, they quickly retreated to a shelter below as water poured in around the mine. They did not make it out. But their situation remains a favorite puzzle past time of skilled miners who believe, if they had been there, they could have made it out alive.

The Challenge

Use the designated Commons teleport to jump with your team to a location somewhere in the abandoned mine, which is now partially flooded with water from above and around it. Salvage what you can from the abandoned mine operation to create a rail-based escape route that can carry a disaster survivor to safety. Continue reading


Kids Teaching Adults Minecraft

Another reason why I love Minecraft.

Today my students became teachers and met their students in person. Seventeen adult graduate students from Pepperdine University visited my Minecraft Exploratory. I was excited for their visit, but the results were beyond my expectations. Lindax delivered the first challenge for our league: Underwater Mine Rescue (to be described in a future post). The level of engagement of the kids and the adults is obvious from the pictures and videos below. One graduate student expressed her doubts about Minecraft, but since meeting the kids had a complete turnaround. Person to person interaction is still important.

The world may be flat, but it’s also upside down.  Below, kids teaching adults.
Teachers would be better teachers if they let the students be the teachers.

 Minecraft brings kids and adults together in a collaborative learning space.

There are three schools in the Minecraft League. Several of the graduate students above have been assigned to each school to learn from the kids and observe how the game works. I suppose they will do some writing about their observations. The first challenge will begin in a couple of weeks. The name: Underwater Mine Rescue. Check back here to learn more about the challenge and the kids progress.


1 Reason Why I Love Minecraft

“We have to be responsible for what we do.” This was written by a student in response to some griefing going on in our world of the Pepperdine server.

Another student: “I Think that Respect is the most important core value for Minecraft. I think Minecraft is a way to show your feelings and talent. It is a lot like an art show. Some people like some designs or types of creations, others may not. If everybody just respects and accepts the buildings made by each other, we can have fun and be a caring community on Minecraft.” Continue reading


CAIS 2012

Bob Kahn
Brentwood School icon
www.middleschoolminecraft.com Follow me on Twitter

Framing: This is a discussion amongst peers. I will share some of my experiences and where my thinking is grounded. We can then discuss and develop ideas about the potential of Minecraft in ED.


  • What is it?
    • Virtual sandbox world- two modes: survival/creative- both modes can be played as an single player or with other players on a server.
    • Potential for building/collaboration picqued my interest in the game- unique…
    • Use textured 8-bit blocks to build in a 3-d world- deceptively complicated
    • Swede-2009, beta in 2010, full game Nov. 2011 @ Minecon in Las Vegas
    • Company Mojang
    • The best way is to just show you…

Continue reading


Article for School Newsletter

Mechanics and Mysteries of Minecraft in the Middle Division

Playing in the local sandbox as a boy provided a great source of fun for me. Before my mom could even stop the car, the door would fling open, and I’d be running towards the sand. My shoes would fly off and the sand would instantly fill the spaces between my toes. And the building! With molds, buckets and shovels strewn all over the place, my friends and I created whole cities with lakes and rivers. Little plastic characters inhabited our worlds. One day a friend’s little sister decided to hurl a handful of sand into my face. Imagine hundreds of grainy sand particles underneath your eyelids. I spent what seemed like hours in the doctor’s office having the sand removed, grain by grain.

The sand in many of today’s sandboxes cannot get thrown into your face or fill the spaces between your toes. These sandboxes exist in the digital world of your computer or cyberspace. One such digital sandbox is called Minecraft, a game in which players use textured blocks of different materials to build or create anything they can imagine. Anything! Continue reading


What Did I Do Wrong?

Exploratory Fair

Maybe the picture says it all. Today we had our Exploratory fair for students to sign up for second semester Exploratory class. After being the first to fill up in the fall, I was expecting another full class. I made an announcement that there were spots for 10 boys and 10 girls. No eruption of excitement like last time. Hmm. This is different. I think you can see where this is going. When it was all over, only 6 boys had signed up. What did I do wrong? The good news: these boys know the game and have started their own servers. Maybe it is an opportunity for me to really learn from them and for us to do some incredible creating together instead of simply playing the game. My sails are luffing a bit, but when life gives you lemons….



Orienteering 2nd Attempt

  • Spawn area rebuilt———————————————————check!
  • Signs rewritten————————————————————–check!
  • Worldguard tested and functioning properly————————-check!
  • Treasure chests restocked with apples——————————–check!

Time for Exploratory. Been looking forward to it all day.

“New update available. Would you like to update?”

Nooooooooooooooo! Don’t do it. Too late.

Will try for the third time next week.

For some reason, when Mojang comes out with a new version, Bukkit does not have the multiplayer server updates ready and available. So if you update to the new version, all the servers that you were playing on would not be available, because they cannot run the new version. I asked a student, why doesn’t Mojang let Bukkit know so they can create an update. The student said that the companies do not like each other. I do not know if this is true or not, but I don’t understand. Isn’t Mojang shooting themselves in the foot by not providing the update to Bukkit in advance? So irritating and frustrating.



Orienteering Quest 1 Results


So after hours of building up the spawning tower and protecting it with the plugin WorldGuard, the hour had come. The kids filed in and the whitelisting began.

They jumped on the server and the noise level began to rise. A good sign. There they were, all moving about with their user names floating over heads. It was cool to see.

Then the noise level rose higher and laughter ensued. Something seemed wrong. Someone had escaped. “How could this be? It was protected!” But the protection wasn’t working and the kids were mining the floor and falling through. Oh no! The room became suddenly warm and I began to perspire. All my work being destroyed.

My student assistant turned the spawn platform into a bedrock chamber and he began to teleport the students back to the chamber. But they continued to escape. A new kind of challenge, one not planned, revealed itself. Kids were fist bumping, laughing, exulting with each other when they escaped and teleported each other out of the “protected” spawn area. Some were upset that their classmates were griefing and they began trying to police each other.

I relaxed and watched it happen. It actually turned out to be pretty cool. Some fixes will be in order for next time.

